Are you a coach and see your clients struggling with choices?

Do you ever get discouraged or unsure by searching for the right entry point to help your client move forward?
Would you also become happy and feel more fulfilled if you could shorten the search and get started on the change process faster?
So that both you and your client leave the session feeling relaxed? Happy with what has been discovered, achieved, conceived?
The Bepper Board (for coach and supervisor ) is a scale. A balance.
But not one that you stand on and shows your weight in pounds, or your fat percentage. Nor one on which you weigh the ingredients of a recipe.
But just as you can look at, taste and analyze a failed cake after it comes out of the oven to figure out what went wrong, so too can you unravel a problem.
Listing what it is composed of. What the ingredients are.
So the Bepper Balance weighs other things.
To weigh, you must first know what ingredients were used.
At the BBM, we call those ingredients “Aspects.
The aspects are always from the baker, so she writes them down and they weigh them. Your client (the baker) tastes, feels and thinks and gives it a certain weight with the chamois.
Things that weigh in on the Bepper Board include:
- Energy
- Importance
- Motivation
- Need
- Satisfaction
- Feeling (how nice, annoying, frustrating, delicious, confusing, etc… is that?)
- Time
- Priority
- Money
- Emotion
- Impact
- Presence
Usually two of these things are weighed.
And of all these things, you can also map out how it is now and how it was then or how you want it to be later. You feel that, then you see, and then you discover.
What you discover then?
- What you can work on
- What you can do
- What you must accept
- What influence you have
- That the same thing can also feel different if you look at it differently
For more information, read the book “Different Coaching with the Bepper Balance Method” For sale here: https: // among others.
More info and animation on the essence of the method can be found at
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